Electronic control circuit for snack vending machines
It is designed to operate 24V DC motors
It can control up to 64 products (8 trays x 8 columns)
Incorporates 4 line LCD and alpha numeric keypad
In-built temperature control for refrigerated machines
All the parameters related to product are settable in menu, like price setting, coupled motor
settings, refilling capacity etc
Special Price settings like combo offer, Buy 1 take 2 offer is also settable in menu
Bill Validator interface via MDB / seria
Smart Card Based Cashless Vending is possible
GSM Modem interface enables automatic collection of sales data apart from machine status
notification such as Product Sold out / Motor Fault / Bill Validator mal-function etc
All Menu settings can also be remotely set via GSM interface
Optional Item detector for checking positive delivery of product
Provision to connect a 4G modem to interface with electronic wallet companies (like PayTM) so
that e-cash payments can be accepted in the vending machine
We can also integrate touch screen for user interface (Not a standard feature, but can be added)
Video that shows touch screen interface and Mobile payment interface (QR code payment) in the case of a coffee vending controller - (Same can be done for snack vending also)