Bean to Cup (fresh brew) Vending Machine Controller

Bean to cup machines are being made using different techniques by different manufacturers. Some use a brewer that is operated by a single motor, some use dual motors, some use 220V AC valves for high pressure lines, some use 24V valves for all etc.. We have made control products for 4 -5 manufacturers and so have covered a wide variety. We can design as per your needs too. User interface ranges from simple buttosn to touch keypads to touch screens to TOUCHFREE solutions.
Salient Features :
- Brews Fresh coffee by controlling the coffee grinder and the brewer mechanism
- Senses Brewer-in-place switch and Brewer-cam-position switches
- Brewing percentage and time is settable in menu
- Group selection is possible different combination of (premix) flavors can be mixed
- Provision for pumping fresh milk via peristaltic pump Pump is reversed to avoid milk left in tube
- Accurate temperature control by PID algorithm
- 2 Line Jumbo LCD Display
- Proximity Touch keypad
- Drink Name is settable in menu
- Auto clean option
- Water Sources Both plumbing connection and pumping from bottle
- We can also provide Touch screen based user interface
- We can also provide TOUCHFREE user experience possible